Driving progress by right focus

Our experience tells that a clear top-down view is essential for finding the right focus and grip for progress.

Such a big picture enables the owner to create clarity and shared targets with the supplier and the regulator.

Based on this, strong leadership and systematic management can be established to execute a successful program.

Responsible owner over the whole investment life cycle

We support you in building a full program plan from the very beginning. It will describe how you plan to fulfill the stakeholder expectations and manage the risks. We will help you in keeping the planning approach as simple as possible, yet covering all essential perspectives over the investment life cycle.

The owner’s program plan will form the basis for communications. With one clear story, you can keep the direction with all the people and organizations involved.

Intelligent customer for the vendor and supply chain

We guide you to set up clear criteria reflecting your true needs instead of all thinkable requirements. This enables you to select technology suitable for purpose, in combination with a vendor or alliance capable of delivering to your needs.

By building a decision-oriented culture based on outspoken criteria, you will avoid endless commenting rounds and drive progress according to the schedule.

Competent operator and trusted nuclear licensee

We facilitate your key leaders in setting up the direction for different organizational functions and building a well-performing organization. In this way, you can find the right focus for checking the quality of deliveries by the supply chain; and in particular, for learning how to operate, maintain and monitor the nuclear units.

Based on clear target setting for different program phases, you will be building step-wise a strong operational culture for safe and sustainable energy production. In this way, you will also become a trusted licensee.

Successful business with dependable production

We help you to see both the necessary results and the associated risks. Therefore, we want to engage your core team in early program planning and risk analysis workshops. After this, we can help your managers in focusing their attention and action optimally at each program phase.

When the management team is able to report and communicate the upsides and downsides in a clear way, you will maximize your credibility among the stakeholders: from shareholders to suppliers, your own organization and board, regulatory authorities, local municipalities, and industry and media in general.

As your advisor, we are happy only when your organization keeps on turning plans into real results.