Approaches to SMR technology

Timo Okkonen, 31.10.2023

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment (MEAE) of Finland ordered a study on new SMR-related business, project, and operational aspects on 1 February 2023. The main objective was to examine various approaches, solutions, and models related to SMR deployment in electricity, heat, and hydrogen generation in Finland.

The intent was to consider potential future development from the industry and business perspectives: how could future SMR projects progress, and what types of new approaches, solutions, and models could they introduce? Figure 1 below presents a Finnish SMR playbook, including the critical elements involved.

The study was performed by Timo Okkonen (Reqris Oy), Dr.Tech, and it was steered by Liisa Heikinheimo (until 30 April 2023) and Jaakko Louvanto from MEAE. The results of the study were based on workshops involving the persons mentioned above and experienced leaders from Fortum (first Petra Lundström and then Olli Kymäläinen), STUK (Tapani Virolainen), and TVO (Sami Jakonen).

We are publishing the study on the Kind Atom website since the study was performed by one of the co-founders of Kind Atom, utilizing the general new-build program approach advanced by Kind Atom. You can download the report here.

Figure 1. Finnish SMR playbook: critical deployment elements.


Kind Atom Collab Vol 3