Workshopping with your core team

  • Together with you, we will first discuss how to set up the workshop series, which is foreseen to involve about seven workshops (2-3 hours each) with your core team, over a period of 1-2 months or so.

  • Here we will take a look at the stakeholders and their expectations. We will also define the program phases, the key milestones and targets. In all the workshops, we will form these views on an empty white-board or teams-screen. Painting the big picture together!

  • Here we will think about the performance of the nuclear plant and units: which are the key top-level criteria for selecting technology and vendor? We will also identify criteria related to building the plant in due time and with right quality for production and lifetime.

  • Here we will allocate targets to your own (owner’s) organization: which are the key functions and what is critical for them to achieve in different program phases? We will also sketch the approximate number of people needed in key functions over the plant life cycle.

  • Here we will identify risks related to the preparation phase, i.e., before starting to construct the plant and units. We will also highlight the risks that are most critical just now; as typically related to stakeholders, technology, vendors and our own organization.

  • Here we will turn our minds to the vendor or alliance delivering the plant and units. What kind of delivery models, contract types and time schedule would be possible? And how to prepare for the commercial success and for the supplier’s capability to deliver?

  • Here we will identify the risks associated with the construction phase of the plant and units. We will highlight the risks that are critical already now in the preparation phase. These heads-ups are important for focusing not only on the present but also on what will come next.

  • Here we will identify the main risks related to the energy production in the operational phase. We will also identify the risks that are critical already now in the preparation phase. In this way, we try to make sure we are rightly focused from the very beginning.

  • Based on the workshops, we will prepare a presentation that we will go through together with the core team participating in workshops. After this, we will finalize the first-order owner’s program presentation that you can use in discussing with key stakeholders.


In our workshops, we strive for clarity and commitment. We will start the workshops always with an empty white board or computer screen, to generate full views together instead of giving presentations to each other. And then we will summarize the key workshop results to an easily understandable format. We will start writing the plans only after this, to make sure key leaders have been involved in painting the big picture first. It’s you and your team who’s on the driving seat!