Kind Atom Collab Vol 1

The first-ever Kind Atom Collab event took place on 20th of September 2022. There were 25 key experts from the nuclear and industrial fields – from Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Netherlands – exchanging views on how to accelerate SMR deployment for the sustainability of our planet, people and businesses.

We utilized the Kind Atom Collab platform for a high-pace dialogue, which resulted in a huge flow of ideas and feelings from all participants. They were related to the opportunities and enablers that we should be surfing on to reach our dream – the first SMR unit in operation by 2030 or very soon thereafter.

Before the event, we ran a pre-task where each participant could place three pins on a typical lifecycle matrix shown below. Here, we can see a high interest in topics related to business and economical factors, technical and licensing matters, as well as project and supply chain performance. Our views will certainly sharpen and new ones also appear in next events.

Figure 1. Pre-task results with each participant placing 3 pins on key topics of interest.

As we will be running many events like these, we also wanted to have a dialogue on the rules that we should all commit to while discussing the SMR acceleration. From these inputs, we can summarize three important principles for the Kind Atom Collab events:

  • all participants are there as human beings, hence not representing an organization, a job title or a product;

  • we will publish event results and contents but not refer to any individual person or expressed statement;

  • each participant commits to expressing herself sharply and shortly for all to remain active and effective.

This first event became a true brainstorm – we really let all out. From all the inputs and related “thumbs up”, the event facilitators picked up three enablers to start with. And then we opened the dialogue on these ones. Below, you can see the three general enablers, along with AI driven summaries based on the flow of ideas from all participants. It is also good to note that all of this, and actually much more, happened in only two hours.

Figure 2. AI summaries on three general enablers for accelerating SMR deployment.

The next Vol2 event will take place on 9th of November 2022 (09:00 – 11:00 CET) and it will be focused on a concrete theme that we will select from the feedback that we received. You can express your interest for participating in our events at the event page. As we move on, we will try to find the event that will match your specific area of interest.

Currently, our idea is to focus the Vol2 event on the early prospecting (prestudy) phase by discussing what needs to be done and which role different key parties and stakeholders play in that. To reach the vision of the first SMR in operation by 2030, this basically sets the scene for the actions and results of the industry in 2023. We really have to get moving on!


Kind Atom Collab Vol 2


Kärnfull Next and Kind Atom join forces (30 June 2022)